Hi everyone,
Just a quick note to say that, with donations made directly to participating organizations, we raised $5,000 through BIKE NC! Thank you so much for your support of education and your support for me!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Deadline for donations!
Hi everyone!
Tomorrow, Halloween, is the LAST DAY that I will be taking donations for BIKE NC. It has been a wonderful journey and, with checks still to be deposited and donations made directly to the organizations in the name of BIKE NC, we have raised over $5,000. I am excited by the good work this money will do for the East Durham Children's Initiative, NC Partnership for Children, and Advocates for Children's Services. And I hope this project has helped get the word about the importance of education and education funding. I've had some wonderful conversations and learned a lot.
Last call for donations! Every little bit counts. THANK YOU!
Tomorrow, Halloween, is the LAST DAY that I will be taking donations for BIKE NC. It has been a wonderful journey and, with checks still to be deposited and donations made directly to the organizations in the name of BIKE NC, we have raised over $5,000. I am excited by the good work this money will do for the East Durham Children's Initiative, NC Partnership for Children, and Advocates for Children's Services. And I hope this project has helped get the word about the importance of education and education funding. I've had some wonderful conversations and learned a lot.
Last call for donations! Every little bit counts. THANK YOU!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Occupy the Classroom
Kristof wrote a piece in the New York Times about early childhood education today:
One common thread, whether I’m reporting on poverty in New York City or in Sierra Leone, is that a good education tends to be the most reliable escalator out of poverty. Another common thread: whether in America or Africa, disadvantaged kids often don’t get a chance to board that escalator.
The piece is well worth a read. And it's not too late to donate to BIKE NC to support early childhood education at home in North Carolina.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Photo - finally in the ocean!
A long overdue photo - finally putting my tired feet in the Atlantic ocean at the end of my bike ride, in Emerald Isle. As soon as I stopped pedaling I found a beach access, which had a long wooden ramp over the dunes. Of course a road bike is useless on the beach, but I rolled and carried it down to the surf anyway. After a long summer of training and five straight days of pedaling, I developed an emotional attachment to my bike and felt it deserved to see the ocean after working so hard.
More than a week after finishing the bike ride, I feel grateful and happy for the experience and amazed by how far away it already feels. It seems so easy, looking back, but of course it wasn't. At times - fleeting - it felt darn miserable. But the feeling at the end of the ride, standing on that beach, and all the support and and affirmation I've gotten since coming home, were worth it completely. I did something a little crazy, a little bit different, and people noticed. And they noticed the message - invest in education - in the process. That is my hope.
The lines are still open for donations to BIKE NC. If you have donated already, thank you SO much. Please continue to pay attention to education. To how it's written about in the media and discussed by politicians. And raise your own voice - tell your congressmen to invest in education; volunteer at a school. Call up the East Durham Children's Initiative or NC Partnership for Children and ask them how you can get involved. And share your stories with me. The blog will stay up. I want to hear from you.
Here's a bit of good news about North Carolina high schools with good graduation rates.
More than a week after finishing the bike ride, I feel grateful and happy for the experience and amazed by how far away it already feels. It seems so easy, looking back, but of course it wasn't. At times - fleeting - it felt darn miserable. But the feeling at the end of the ride, standing on that beach, and all the support and and affirmation I've gotten since coming home, were worth it completely. I did something a little crazy, a little bit different, and people noticed. And they noticed the message - invest in education - in the process. That is my hope.
The lines are still open for donations to BIKE NC. If you have donated already, thank you SO much. Please continue to pay attention to education. To how it's written about in the media and discussed by politicians. And raise your own voice - tell your congressmen to invest in education; volunteer at a school. Call up the East Durham Children's Initiative or NC Partnership for Children and ask them how you can get involved. And share your stories with me. The blog will stay up. I want to hear from you.
Here's a bit of good news about North Carolina high schools with good graduation rates.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Photo from day 1
A picture from day 1 of my bike ride. I look so fresh and eager to get started compared to the following days! We were in Banner Elk, NC on a morning much cooler than I was accustomed to in Durham. The first twenty minutes of the ride out of Banner Elk were spent going UP. I had to stop the bike, drink some Gatorade, and give myself a pep talk. Then I was ready for the 70 miles to come.
NC Teaching Fellows
Nice article about the NC Teaching Fellows program in the New York Times. Talented high school students gain an affordable path to college and, in return, give their talents to public schools as teachers for at least four years. The Fellows are role models who have come up through NC public schools and excelled. But the General Assembly voted this summer to phase out the Teaching Fellows program.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Barry Saunders column!
Great write up in the News and Observer about BIKE NC. I am indeed a little sore, but grateful and thrilled that the word is getting out about education!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
A recap of Day 4 and Day 5, Part 2
Today, Day 5, I had 82 miles to go make up the 459 that are symbolic of the $459 million dollar cut to the state education budget. The final number had been revised since I did my research and found $476 million, as an intrepid Daily Tarheel reporter discovered, so I happily revised my bike ride to match. I think it's important to be accurate about the numbers. As it was, I hit Emerald Isle, spying the ocean, at 63 miles, and still had to bike another 19 by looping up the beach roads and then back down the main highway. Being "done" - eg, hitting the coast, crossing NC - but still picking up those last few miles was a little anticlimactic. I was focused, focused, focused today. My average speed picked up on the flats. I told myself I could stop every ten miles if I needed to - just make it ten more miles - but 15 and 20 miles would slide by before I stopped to sit for a moment and eat an energy bar. By now the countryside was flat, with lots of cotton fields, and the houses I passed often seemed poor and in disrepair. Parts of Eastern North Carolina have a kind of ramshackle beauty that is sad and peaceful all at once. But I didn't notice the landscape as much as usual today. I was counting down every mile.
On Emerald Isle, for the last 19 miles, I flew at first. I felt invincible. Then I changed direction, biking back from the bridge where I'd started, for the last few miles. That meant I was biking into the wind. Everything fell apart at once. Suddenly sitting on the bike hurt worse than it had the whole trip, and my speed slowed dramatically. I was fighting the wind for every last mile. It's like my mind and body knew I was done - or close enough - and just let down. As soon as I hit mile 82, I turned my bike toward a beach access road, stopped my watch, and wheeled my bike up the wood ramp over the dunes to the sand. Irrationally, I thought that my bike deserved to see the ocean after working so hard. I called my mom to come meet me for a celebratory splash in the surf, called my husband to tell him I was done, and just flopped down on the sand, exhausted. It was cool today - I wore a light sweatshirt all day for the first time - and the sand was cool and damp. But the sun was warm. I didn't feel ecstatic or proud or anything, just glad to be done. But there was a sense of completeness, deep in my bones, along with the relief.
I'll be saying thank yous for awhile, but everyone who cheered for me on Facebook, and my family, my mom there every second and others rooting for me and supporting me from a distance: You have been wonderful! Small but meaningful contributions from people along the way were amazing too. The donated brownies, and a hotel clerk who gave us the government rate since I was riding for education. The Islander hotel on Emerald Isle let us use a hotel room for the afternoon for less than half the nightly rate so I could shower before driving home. Strangers who asked me about my bike and how far I was riding heard about BIKE NC and told me what a great thing it was. It means so much to know people believed in me, or in the cause of bringing attention and needed funds to education, or maybe both. THANK YOU.
Stay tuned for pictures in the next few days. I'll be doing a few brief blog posts and perhaps making some follow up plans to the bike ride. Thank you notes for those who have donated will be sent. And it's back to law school and a lot of make up work for me. But I will be thinking about those 459 miles for a long time.
I am keeping the donation link open through the end of the month. I'll share education news, and ask that people continue to help spread the word and consider donating. We've done a great job raising almost $4,000 for three amazing nonprofits, but we can do more.
For now, good night and thanks for following along!
A recap of Day 4 and Day 5, Part 1
So glad to be home safe!
Day 4, Saturday, broke clear and downright chilly after a cold front brought a smattering of rain the night before. I biked from Angier, south of the Triangle, to Kinston, North Carolina. The route was very circuitous and I often would not pass even a small store for twenty mile stretches. The route took me near Goldsboro, but not into it. At around the 40 mile mark, badly needing a break but not seeing anywhere to stop for miles, I finally found the Mill Creek General Store, near the town of Four Oaks but not really near anything at all. They had a small restaurant of country cooking in the back and aisles well stocked with snacks and groceries. I sat in the store for a few minutes, warming up and chatting with the store clerk. I bought a brownie cooked by an older lady who ran the store restaurant, and it was delicious. When the store clerk found out how far I was biking, he gave me two more brownies free for the road! Those little exchanges with people (North Carolina has the nicest people) buoy my spirit so much and help the miles go faster.
And I needed that on Saturday. The roads I was biking on were often rough, either badly cracked or newly paved with rough, unfinished asphalt with sprays of loose gravel. This caused the bike to jar and vibrate badly, sending countless tiny shocks up into my arms, tailbone and spine. Probably not so bad normally, but my body was breaking down a little by this point. Saturday, by any counts, was the perfect day for biking. Blue skies, brisk breeze, countryside with just enough undulations to be interesting. I was so lucky. But after over 300 miles on the road by that point, what I was noticing were the roads where every jolt sent spasming pain up my back, the few remaining hills that I struggled up and resented, and the wind that was at times strong. Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful out there, and a bend in the road and fresh vista would have me picking up the pace, happy. But I stopped at mile 60 to rest and call my husband for a morale boost, and had a small breakdown on the last few miles into Kinston. Well, ok, I started sobbing hysterically, a mix of being in pain and just emotionally overwhelmed. I crashed in bed Saturday night, too.
What's funny is that I always felt strong. Tired, but pedaling steadily all day. I trained for the endurance and strength challenges of the ride, but I think what I was missing was "saddle hours" - just cumulative experience, weeks and months and years, breaking my body in to the bike. So Day 4 was the hardest. But I knew, as I finally reached Kinston at dusk, that I was in striking distance of the coast. One more day to go.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Day 4
98.4 miles today. Safe in Kinston. 82 to go. Today was not easy. At times it felt impossible. If you have been thinking about supporting BIKE NC, please know that now is the time. You will carry me through tomorrow in addition to supporting the important work of education.
Look for details on Day 4 when I am home and a bit rested. Thanks a million for your support and for following along!
Look for details on Day 4 when I am home and a bit rested. Thanks a million for your support and for following along!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Day 3: Archdale to Angier
Today, I biked 100.8 miles from south of Greensboro to Angier, way south of Raleigh. The route snaked around a lot and dropped as much South as East. This fact played head games with me all day. I was on familiar turf from my training rides. Alamance and Chattham Counties, then swooping across Jordan Lake and the Sharron Harris nuclear plant. You'd think that home turf would be a confidence boost, but it actually made me feel like I still had a very long way to go (which I do). And the land around Pittsboro and the Haw River folds up on itself into one short, steep valley after another.
And the land would flatten out for awhile today - look after mile 60 on the elevation chart - but never completely. Even here in Angier, the soil is sandy and every few miles I would see a view that looked like Eastern North Carolina - sandy soil on the edge of the road, then fields stretching flat to the horizon. But then another dip into a hollow would bring another steep climb up, making my legs burn.
I'm not sure what to say, except that the riding is going well, even though it's getting harder and my hands and seat and feet are in a lot of pain by the end of the day. I set out to do something that would challenge me like never before to show how much I believe in providing a quality, equal education to every child in North Carolina. And it looks like I'll be able to do it, which feels wonderful.
Today, one of the roads I took was called Major Hill Road. I thought, "I hope that's named after an army officer names Mr. Hill, and not because the road has a MAJOR HILL." That is the kind of lame joke that pops into my tired, wandering mind and strikes me as hilariously funny, even though it's probably not at all. Hey, eight hours on a bike is a long time.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Technical details
One of the things that helps the time go by when I'm on the bike for 6, 7, 8, 9 hours is the GPS watch that measures the time and distance of my ride using GPS tracking. It chirps at me every mile, and the time of the last mile pops up on the screen. I can tell if I've been flying or if the hills have slowed me down a lot. Today, though, the watch wasn't charged all the way and died at mile 92. So the last 16 mile, I felt a little lost. The watch's mileage tracking also tells me when to turn. So when my que sheet might say to turn left on Trinity Road at mile 98, I have to be extra alert not to miss Trinity Road. And by mile 98, I'm not mentally at my best! But I made it to my stopping place without getting lost. I'm a little sad though. 108.8 is the furthest I've ever biked and I don't have the data for it. But here are the first 92 miles:
The map, tracked before the battery death, shows all but my last 16 or so miles, but those 16 miles were perhaps the longest! I love data. I like this tangible evidence of how far I rode, how much the hills took out of my system, how big the hills were. My watch is a tool. It helps me succeed, to know how far I've gone and what's ahead. We all need those kinds of tools.
And, as I thought about on my ride, too many kids don't have those tools for their learning. Good people - like the nonprofits I'm fundraising for - step in to provide them. Now, my watch is a silly thing; I can make do without it. But that's not true when it comes to education. Please support BIKE NC.
The map, tracked before the battery death, shows all but my last 16 or so miles, but those 16 miles were perhaps the longest! I love data. I like this tangible evidence of how far I rode, how much the hills took out of my system, how big the hills were. My watch is a tool. It helps me succeed, to know how far I've gone and what's ahead. We all need those kinds of tools.
And, as I thought about on my ride, too many kids don't have those tools for their learning. Good people - like the nonprofits I'm fundraising for - step in to provide them. Now, my watch is a silly thing; I can make do without it. But that's not true when it comes to education. Please support BIKE NC.
108.8 miles for education!
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Good bye mountains! At mile 6. |
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A bit sunburnt but happy at mile 22 |
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Munching during a brief rest at mile 44 |
I do notice the landscape. But I was focused today. I stopped three times to sit down and munch on a snack, twice for about ten minutes and once for half an hour. I hit mile 61, a planned stopping point for the day assuming the mountains were grueling, in Tanglewood Park. And from there, I never stopped moving until the end. One run into a store to reload on Gatorade. By the time I stopped, around 6 pm in the middle of a country road, I was feeling shaky. But I made sure to eat, a lot, today, and it helped. I try to get some fruits and veggies, and protein. Energy and protein bars are the easiest things for me to carry and digest. And a few treats for dinner. Its not perfect, but it's working well for me.
Fuel for the ride:
- Bowl of raisin bran w/ lowfat milk, coffee for breakfast
- During ride:
- 100 oz. of Gatorade
- Water
- Small green apple
- Quaker oatmeal raisin breakfast cookie
- Lara bar, coconut
- Lara bar, chocolate chip
- .5 oz honey roasted peanuts
- Peanut butter Powerbar
- Nature Valley fruit and nut chewy bar
- 10 oz. Diet Mountain Dew (needed caffeine!)
- After ride: Vanilla protein shake (170 cal, 15 g protein)
- Dinner:
- 1 Stella Artois beer
- Chips, salsa, and guacomole
- Cup corn soup
- Small potato with cheese and broccoli
- Mint chocolate Clif builder bar
Why 108.8 miles today? Because it means less than 300 to go!
177.8 miles so far. 298.2 to go.
Ah yes! Read all about it! Press coverage of BIKE NC continues.
Carrboro Citizen
Daily Tarheel
News of Orange County
So grateful for the support and the attention this will bring to education and the wonderful work of EDCI, Smart Start, and Advocates for Children's Services. Thank you for reading.
PS: A few technical glitches, so ride data and maps to come.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
What goes up must come down, or, "Why couldn't my home state be Kansas?"

The truth is I was not trained for that ride. Neither for the grueling ascents or the tactical challenge of steering downhill with traffic coming up behind you. But I made it. I stopped at two convenience stores for Gatorade and an energy bar or cheese crackers, chilling out for a few minutes, and took two or three more breathers along the side of the road to stretch and check in on the flurry of text messages and Facebook posts from well-wishing friends. Those meant so much!
I feel lucky to be off the road the first day with no serious soreness, actually feeling pretty good. My riding time was just over 6 hours, plus stops, with an average moving speed of 11.5 miles per hour. That's slow, but it's what I planned. I have to keep doing this for four more days.
I wish I had pictures of so many things today: Cascades running down a steep wooded bank toward a shady, curving two lane road; purple mountain flowers; tiny clapboard churches, a pony who galloped the length of his fence to keep me company; the road sign for Eastern Continental Divide on route 16 right before I dropped 1,200 feet in about five miles, flying down at over 30 miles per hour on a curving descent. We live in a beautiful state and I thought as I rode that this state's future is in the hands of today's children. I want them to take good care of it, and I want us to give them the education so that they can do so.
I will sleep well tonight. I'm tired but so satisfied. Dinner, shared with my mom, will taste amazing. My mother dropped me off in the parking lot where my ride began in Banner Elk and snapped a few photos, then watched as I took off, stomach churning with nerves, into the unknown. She drove past and waved once along the route as she explored the mountains, and met me at the end of the ride at Wilkes Community College with ziplock bags of ice ready to go on my slightly puffy knees. I need that support for sure. I've realized, despite my stubborn initial intentions, that I can't do this totally alone. And neither can the children I'm riding for, who struggle to stay in school sometimes in the face of tremendous obstacles.
I stopped in Todd, North Carolina (a handful of houses, a bakery, and general store clustered in a river valley with mountains all around) for one of my pit stops. The general store is full of folksy things, jarred food, North Carolina candy. An elderly gentleman had just parked his car in the town and stopped me to talk about my bike. He and his wife liked to ride; he wanted to know how may gears my bike had and how far I was going. It gets lonely out there, so I was happy to chat for a bit. When I told him I was on a fundraising ride across the state, he asked me what the cause was. I told him I was raising money for nonprofits that help underprivileged children get an education. He asked me if I took donations. YES! And he handed me twenty dollars, just like that. What a wonderful man. People do care about education. The gesture carried me the next 10 miles.
I've questioned the relevance of this bike ride to education and its challenges, to how all of it fits together. Today, it makes sense.
If you haven't donated - now is the time! If you have donated - THANK YOU. Now please think of someone you know who cares about education and equality and wants to see things done differently, better, for children. Ask them to give a little too.
Raffle winners!
Hi everyone, just a quick note to introduce our RAFFLE WINNERS from the night at East End Martini Bar.
Glass Half Full (Carrboro) gift card: Eric Noble
Southern Rail gift card #1: Matt Dudek
Southern Rail gift card #2: Anna Spence
Weekend camping equipment rental: James Oldham
60 minute massage from Kara's Pro Massage: Nick Baker
Congratulations, everyone! And thanks so much to all who bought tickets and came out to East End.
I'll be thinking about everyone who has stepped up to support education and so many people out there who I know believe in our schools and our children. Tonight I arrived to Banner Elk, NC, up in the mountains. And tomorrow morning, bright and early, the ride begins!
Glass Half Full (Carrboro) gift card: Eric Noble
Southern Rail gift card #1: Matt Dudek
Southern Rail gift card #2: Anna Spence
Weekend camping equipment rental: James Oldham
60 minute massage from Kara's Pro Massage: Nick Baker
Congratulations, everyone! And thanks so much to all who bought tickets and came out to East End.
I'll be thinking about everyone who has stepped up to support education and so many people out there who I know believe in our schools and our children. Tonight I arrived to Banner Elk, NC, up in the mountains. And tomorrow morning, bright and early, the ride begins!
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Photo: Festiva Resorts festivaresortsbannerelk.com |
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Thank you, Durham Herald Sun!
The Durham Herald Sun published a first-page feature about BIKE NC today! The paper is a great one and the reporting on education funding and the nonprofits I'm supporting was top notch. I'm glad more people will get the opportunity to learn about why their work is so important.
Tonight I leave for the mountains to get some sleep and then an early start on my bike ride tomorrow morning! The mountains will be the most daunting part, because they are unknown. They will go up up up up up up up for miles, and the descents might be scary for their speed. I will keep pedaling and do my best. So excited!
Thanks so much for the donations that have come in. Please donate, amounts big and small, and spread the word. If you know someone that cares about education, supporting BIKE NC with a small donation is a great way to make a difference. And even small donations mean the world to me.
Tonight I leave for the mountains to get some sleep and then an early start on my bike ride tomorrow morning! The mountains will be the most daunting part, because they are unknown. They will go up up up up up up up for miles, and the descents might be scary for their speed. I will keep pedaling and do my best. So excited!
Thanks so much for the donations that have come in. Please donate, amounts big and small, and spread the word. If you know someone that cares about education, supporting BIKE NC with a small donation is a great way to make a difference. And even small donations mean the world to me.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Going across North Carolina for education
Hi, everyone. I am getting both scared and excited about my bike ride across North Carolina. We live in a beautiful state; I'm talking about its natural beauty and the gifts and potential of the people who live here. That potential rests with our children. I'll have many hours a day to think about that, about why I'm riding my bike, while taking in the landscape around me. Mountains then rolling hills then coastal plain.

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Raffling off and counting down
I've met with a couple reporters and photographers from local papers this week, and am excited that articles will help spread the word about BIKE NC. I'll post stories and links when they come out. For one photo shoot, we used a local bike path. I would pedal toward the photographer going one direction, turn around, then pedal back for an "action shot." But I'm not always very smooth/skilled with my bicycle cleats, that clip onto the pedals. At one point, turning around, I didn't unhook my feet from the pedals ... which means you can't get your foot down on the ground for balance. The bike was going too slow ... my feet were stuck to the pedals ... and the bike tipped over, sending me sprawling into a graceless heap. I was flailing around on my back on the pavement with one foot still stuck to the pedal. And it hurt! I jumped up laughing at myself to take the sting out of the whole situation, but sheesh. Cyclists say that the "feet stuck" wipeout happens to everyone at some point or another. And mine happened in front of a photographer on a shoot for a story about how I am a cross-state cycling phenom. Oh well. Good to get all the bad karma out BEFORE I start pedaling on Wednesday!
This weekend is all about getting school work out of the way, packing up, and staying healthy so that I'm at my best next week.
Here are a few interesting bits of education news:
North Carolina will seek the waiver of No Child Left Behind regulations that Obama extended. The 2002 law has not yet been rewritten by Congress, and states are frustrated with the faulty accountability system that NCLB has imposed. States will now be able to write their own accountability rules for ensuring that schools are making progress closing the achievement gap and educating students. This will give states needed flexibility. I'm all for accountability, and will be curious to see what North Carolina does. But I'm thinking about that almost 500 million dollar budget cut to schools this summer. Are we going to take away from our schools with one hand while asking more of them with the other?
Here are a video and economic report from Smart Start on the impact of early childhood education on the state's overall economic health. Child care brings $1.7 billion to the state and is linked to 49,000 jobs. And beyond the childcare industry - as low-income parents find jobs or go back to school, they need to know that their children are being well cared for. Paving the way for three and four year olds to come to kindergarten as prepared five year olds, as their parents pursue their own opportunities with peace of mind. Both economic health now and an investment in the future. That's what Smart Start does and that's why BIKE NC supports their work.
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